Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Yesterday my Dad had his bypass surgery. The family arrived at the hospital Monday morning and the surgery was at 10am. At 2:30 we received the call in the CVR waiting room letting us know the surgery was complete and he only needed a Triple Bypass instead of the Quadruple. We were anxious to see him, but had to wait until 4:15 when they had him in the ICU and he was ready for visitors. Well, he wasn't ready for visitors, he was sedated but we were ready to see him. He looked great! His color was perfect and his numbers were all good. We were able to see him every other hour for 30 minutes.

Today when I arrived at 12:00 he looked great! He was talking, sitting up and aware of what was going on. The kids can't wait to see him when he is out of ICU. Today they all made pictures to give him when they get to visit him. Hopefully he will be moved out of ICU on Wed.

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